Aims & Objectives



  1. The GCCF is a non-political, religious and socio-cultural organization. It aims at developing Christian relationships amongst the Chakma Christians across the globe.  
  2. To make the Good News of Jesus Christ meaningful and relevant to the Chakma community and also among other communities.
  3. To empower the backward Chakma Christian community both financially and spiritually, by establishing social, technical and cottage industries training center, such as carpentry, sewing, weaving, agriculture training, computer training, theological colleges, etc. 
  4. In order to reduce unemployment crisis by establishing projects as to assist in implementing the government led programs.
  5. To establish any home, institution or committee for religious worship and knowledge for the welfare, maintenance and development of any community.
  6. To undertake the compilation, printing and publication of simple prayer guide books and books suitable for moral and spiritual development of the people.
  7. To award scholarships for the needy and deserving students, and to provide financial help for the uplift of poor and needy individuals.
  8. To arrange and provide medical aid and other necessary assistance to the needy persons of the economically backward classes.
  9. Providing assistance in relief works to people and communities that have been affected by natural calamities, like famine, fire, flood, etc.
  10. To enlighten the people through diffusion of useful knowledge and disseminate factual information on religious matters and make them spiritually vibrant and socially relevant.
  11. To establish, maintain and assist the helpless and other institutions for helping the poor, destitute, widows and orphans of all faiths and communities.
  12. To render help, arrange for, encourage, promote celebrations of the Chakma Cultural, Social and Traditional Festivals as well as traditional attire, games and sports as conducive to this objective.
  13. To raise appropriate funds to carry out the activities of the Churches and the Association.
  14. To educate its selected members for raising prospective leaders by sponsoring, sending delegation, survey or study team from amongst the members of the Association from time to time.
  15.  To conduct seminars, conferences and leadership trainings for diffusion of useful knowledge to the people.
  16.  To organize and undertake community service development projects, social welfare in the interest and for the welfare of the public.
  17.  To establish or build and maintain dispensary or clinic for the welfare of the public.

Ancillary Objectives


The GCCF will also carry out the following activities which are incidental or ancillary to the attainment of the main objects:

  1. To accept donations, contribution or grants, whether of money or property, moveable or immovable such as real estate, land, stock, bonds, etc. or whether by gifts, or the person living or by legacy, bequest, etc. for the fulfillment of the aims and objectives to further the interest of the GCCF.
  2. To purchase and acquire land or building in the name of the Association for the upliftment and fulfillment of the aims and objectives of the Association.
  3. To promote education, culture and other social values through awareness programmes and other related activities.
  4. To create a sense of Christian brotherhood, co-operation, mutual harmony, love and affection amongst the members of the Chakma Christian community and also amongst the general people.
  5. To erect, construct, maintain, improve or develop and manage churches and other institutions on Chakma traditional lines.
  6. To create a spiritual atmosphere in the religious institutions which are under the management of the Association
  7. To encourage utilisation of traditional Chakma musical instruments in the Church.
  8. To organize Chakma traditional/Cultural Festivals and Christian religious functions from time to time as and when the Executive Committee of the Association may decide.
  9. To plant more Churches and look after them side by side with the existing Churches under the umbrella of the Association.
  10. Provide guidance to the youth of the community, educating them on various employment and career opportunities
  11. To produce Dynamic and Prospective Christian Leaders of the Chakma Community.

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